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Convert Your Old Headphones Mic in a Professional looking Mic !

 Hello Fellas! Recently I broke my Boat bassheads 900 Earphones & now wondering what to do with those? So I decided to make A Professional looking mic out of it & convert the headphones to wireless once  Check here The converting the mic was very easy task. It requires far few efforts than anyone on think. Check the video here If you want to see how I converted Wired headphones to wireless once just click here

POP! POP!! Rocket by syringe for children's!! Play with it...

A time ago I'm bored in the house. I saw some syringes lying around me (which are used to fill cartridges). I started to make something out of them & accidentally made a mini rocket. 
At that time I got little knowledge about it. So searching about it gave me the science behind it.
Now without getting bored lets to go check the video, 

Things that you have to know,

Mini Rocket works on the principle of Hydraulics & Air Compressing phenomenons. The vapour that you see When the syringe's plunger is launched is water. Created by the sudden pressure difference.

Materials you needed,

  1. Syringes (1 big & 1 small)
  2. A Straw
  3. Water, etc.
After making it don't aim it at anyone. It's pretty dangerous. 

This experiment is very easy with a lot of science in it. Do some research you can get all the info about Compression & Hydraulics. It can be the best project for the science fair.
If you have any doubt you can comment below...
