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Convert Your Old Headphones Mic in a Professional looking Mic !

 Hello Fellas! Recently I broke my Boat bassheads 900 Earphones & now wondering what to do with those? So I decided to make A Professional looking mic out of it & convert the headphones to wireless once  Check here The converting the mic was very easy task. It requires far few efforts than anyone on think. Check the video here If you want to see how I converted Wired headphones to wireless once just click here

Making teabags fly ! Science behind flying teabag...


 I have seen plenty of videos on the internet that are doing this experiment. But no one is telling about what happens or what scientific terms apply to that flying tea bags. Interestingly I found a very handful of videos about it explaining the science behind it...


So I just explained everything about the tea bag & what the tea bag fly up?

So please check the whole video & share it with friends... 

You will need only Teabags for the experiment,
Click Here for the cheapest teabags you can find...


