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Convert Your Old Headphones Mic in a Professional looking Mic !

 Hello Fellas! Recently I broke my Boat bassheads 900 Earphones & now wondering what to do with those? So I decided to make A Professional looking mic out of it & convert the headphones to wireless once  Check here The converting the mic was very easy task. It requires far few efforts than anyone on think. Check the video here If you want to see how I converted Wired headphones to wireless once just click here

DIY Dual axis Solar Tracker, Inspired by NASA's Parker Solar Probe

DIY dual-axis solar tracker or homemade dual-axis solar tracker

I & my friends are founding some interesting project for our college & we found out the video by NightHawkInLights demonstrating the above project & for further knowledge we saw Smarter Every Day's video on Nasa's Parker solar probe. We loved that idea! 

We started to make it our own way. We want to spend less on the project so we literally took everything from scrap. Expect Solar panels & Cardboard we bought it from a shop.

DIY two-axis solar tracker

In the video, you can see the modified Circuit for the project, What are the advantages & limitations of this project, etc. 

The Circuit Diagram
Thing That used,
  1. A couple of Geared motors,
  2. Four 6v relays,
  3. Four 5v, 100mA Solar Panels,
  4. Wire (1mm thick) Approx,
  5. Other material as per requirement...

Thanks to sir @NightHawkInLight & @SmarterEveryDay due to their video on the solar tracker of Parker Solar Probe we got an idea to build this tracker.

You can share your ideas about it or new ones in the comment section of Youtube

The idea of DIY dual-axis solar tracking system / DIY 2 axis solar tracker

So, First of all, it was just a project for my college ok! many of you are commenting in the comments section hey copier! waste generator! Read this first...
It's my college group project for the demonstration How of learned principles & theories are implemented in real life. Just for it! Nothing of making new outside of the box tech ok! 
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