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Convert Your Old Headphones Mic in a Professional looking Mic !

 Hello Fellas! Recently I broke my Boat bassheads 900 Earphones & now wondering what to do with those? So I decided to make A Professional looking mic out of it & convert the headphones to wireless once  Check here The converting the mic was very easy task. It requires far few efforts than anyone on think. Check the video here If you want to see how I converted Wired headphones to wireless once just click here

Slayer Exciter... Mini Tesla Coil at home very easy to make From Basics...


I want to build a Tesla coil...Hmmm, it's rather expensive so I just step down and choose to make Slayer exciter. 😆 Which indeed tesla coils original circuit, just a very tiny one!


As you know me 😂, 😉 I spent less money on purchasing part and try to use different ones or which are taking space in my house. It was somewhat difficult to find suitable things. But I started working on it...


Slayer exciter material, 

  1. Tip31c transistor,
  2. 47k ohm resistor,
  3. Heat sink,
  4. Pvc pipe 6inches,
  5. Enamel Copper wire of <1 mm thickness,
  6. Soldering Iron, etc.

Circuit Diagram,


You can see the results in the video. Done some experiment with the output of slayer exciter!
That surprised me too click here to watch the video! 


In the end, it worked beautifully! Tho the arcs & plasma produced at the end of the coil is small. It can transmit power wirelessly (with the lowest efficiency that you can't even imagine).
