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Convert Your Old Headphones Mic in a Professional looking Mic !

 Hello Fellas! Recently I broke my Boat bassheads 900 Earphones & now wondering what to do with those? So I decided to make A Professional looking mic out of it & convert the headphones to wireless once  Check here The converting the mic was very easy task. It requires far few efforts than anyone on think. Check the video here If you want to see how I converted Wired headphones to wireless once just click here

Smart Mirror with Infinity mirror effect that too in budget...

If you watched my previous videos I have already made a Smart Mirror on a very pocket-friendly budget. If you have not yet seen it, I highly recommend you go & watch it first!


    Recently, YouTube recommends me a video in which someone is making an Optical illusion mirror commonly known as an INFINITY mirror & as always It got me tempted to make one...


    However, my previous experience with such kinds of mirrors is very bad & they are useless after a single use. They are a perfect showpiece for museums. But I want to make it anyway. So, rather than making a whole new frame & structure for a single-use item why not just add it to the existing Smart Mirror which is locked in a corner of the cupboard!

Definitely, it's a great thing to start & also a great topic for a video (😉😎)

Half the work is remaining which is done, Watch the video to see it!

Things required,

  1. 1 reflective mirror, 
  2. 1 Partially reflective glass,
  3. LED Strip,
  4. Cable Hooke,
  5. Black Paper, etc.



    The light rays from led lights fall on the mirror in back & oneway mirror in front. The light gets reflected back on each mirror. It creates a continuous loop of reflection & incidence of light rays. Due to the implementation of a One-way mirror (Partially reflective mirror), some light rays escape the chamber creating a beautiful optical illusion in the front side mirror. That's how the infinity space effect is achieved.


    In the end, The result was very appealing. Mirror gives great aesthetic vibes. As mentioned earlier a perfect showpiece to hang on a wall. Here is the photo of it! Also, I faced some problems like dust getting in, Voice assistant is not working. But this issue can be solved by simply adding a seal between the glass/ mirror.
